January 9, 2018


We are solid
We feel, we touch, we interact in a solid world
We grasp for solid things
but solid cannot enter solid without

We are solid
But we take in liquid, something slightly
less than solid, but
not what we can grasp without

We are liquid
But we must have a solid world
To grasp for liquid things,
things liquid cannot hold without help from

We are liquid and solid
Yet we take in vapor at the interface
Of solid and liquid,
a thing neither can grasp on their own.

We are Solid, Liquid, Vapor
Yet we grasp for something
That is none
of those, things we see only through clouded

We are none of these things
Yet we still grasp for that which is
None but Spirit.
that which exists in a different plane than things

We are Love
Solid, Liquid, Vapor, yet also what is beyond these
love of Love drives us to grasp what cannot be

We are Love
Yet we cannot grasp ourselves, we cannot grasp the
Other, we can only feel
love slipping through our fingers, something that is

We are Spirit
We thirst and hunger, yet we cannot be filled
Our Solid leaks, Our Liquid drains, Our Vapor
disappears into the emptiness, leaving us with nothing but

We are Spirit, and
Solid, Liquid, Vapor, yet our physical
Nature cannot be satisfied with
seeking to be filled, we gain only by pouring out

We are Love
And God is Love, seeking to fill us
As we empty ourselves to fill
others we encounter in this dim world of
Love and Spirit

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