February 1, 2012


It's a very foggy morning around SouthEast Texas today. A fairly common occurrence during this season, when the ground and Gulf waters have been cooled by Winter, and warm humid air moves off of the Gulf of Mexico. Most of the time, the fog will lift by mid-morning, but sometimes, it stays foggy for days.

It's hard to drive; the visibility is low, and the roads are slick. Cars slide around, and hit each other or go off of the road completely. It's hazardous until the warmth of the sun lifts the fog and dries the road.

It's similar to what can happen in our lives and hearts at times. Events and things cause the view to become hazy, but we think we can guide ourselves safely, because we've managed OK so many times before.

We might be in the driver's seat, but are we the real source of guidance? So many times in my life, I've crashed into other people, or gone off the path completely, because I was sure that I had things under control.

Just like I need the sun to burn away the fog outside, I need His Light to burn away the fog in my heart and mind. When it lifts, I can see the hazards and distractions, and the guideposts to help me along the path. I can see you clearly; avoiding a collision with you, or of going off the road completely. When I can see you clearly, I can step out of the driver's seat, and simply take your hand and be beside you.

No matter what the weather is like at our location, the skies of our hearts can have ten mile visibility and unlimited ceiling, so long as we know where His Light is.

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